You can’t get more GRASS-ROOTS than this!

City Soil IN ACTION in Boston! #savecitysoil
City Soil is a locally rooted, small, socially responsible, democratically run GREEN operation that is UNDER ATTACK by a BIG CORP which focuses on creating RED DYED mulch. The commercial supplier with government connections wants the land that City Soil has been operating on for years! Please take a few minutes to support our friends over at City Soil. See the link or the summary below about City Soil’s mission.
TWEET: some version of the following (or copy it):
Please let @citysoilma stay on their @MassDCR land in #Mattapan!
@MassEEA – Respectfully requesting that you meet ASAP with @CitySoilMA to discuss @MassDCR eviction!
1. Call Secretary Sullivan respectfully asking that he SAVE CITY SOIL: 617-626-1101
2. Update your Facebook status and photo to educate your friends about the campaign
3. Start thinking about other people/groups that we can bring into the coalition.
4. Forward this to 20 people, and call and/or text them during the day to see if they’ll take action!
City Soil develops projects ranging from centralized in-vessel commercial composting and anaerobic digestion facilities to decentralized compost operations serving community gardens, farms, schools and and residential backyards. Our team’s breadth of experience and expertise puts us in a unique position as we move into a new era of sustainable agriculture and organic waste recycling. City Soil has pioneered the design and construction of educational outdoor classrooms, greenhouses, living roofs and growing systems with many leading nonprofits and environmental organizations. We provide soil, compost, mulch and our specialized ‘grow-how’ to community gardens, landscapers, agricultural startups, and homeowners.