Boston Socialist Unity Project Annual Conference

roseclaspApril 30 | Old South Church in Boston,
645 Boylston Street, 9 am – 4 pm
“Building Socialism. Building Our Movements”
register at
Bringing together a broad range of socialists and social movement activists from the Boston area to increase our engagement with socialist ideas and the many struggles around our city, country and the world.

Featured Speakers:
 Vijay Prashad, Trinity College CT, on US imperialism
 Cynthia Peters, Left Roots, organizing in the US
 Jorge Marin, Venezuela Solidarity Committee, on the Bolivarian Revolution and current situation in Venezuela
 Patricia Montes, Centro Presente, on immigrant rights
 Yamila Hussein, Boston Teacher Residency, on Palestine solidarity
  and others

12 Workshops including:
– Socialism and the Elections (Rand Wilson, Labor for Bernie and Howie Hawkins, NY Green Party)
– ABC’s of Socialism, Nicole Aschoff, Jacobin magazine
– Radical Organizing (Steve Meacham, City Life)
– Health Care, Sandy Eaton (Mass Nurses Association)
– EcoSocialism, Chris Williams (System Change, not Climate Change)
– Labor Notes, Red Black and Queer, Socialism and Feminism
– and others

Boston Socialist Unity Project, Sponsors and Endorsers: Boston Solidarity, Center for Marxist Education, Committees of Correspondence for Democracy and Socialism*, Communist Party, Democratic Socialists of America, Freedom Road Socialist Organization, International Socialist Organization, Massachusetts Campaign to Abolish Poverty, Massachusetts Global Action, Socialism and Democracy Journal, Socialist Alternative
*Thanks to CCDS for the version of the announcement that we “swiped” to create this post.

Boston Democratic Socialists of America
P.O. Box 51356, Boston MA 02205
(617) 354-5078