Occupy Boston partners with Encuentro Cinco

At the General Assembly of Occupy Boston, Saturday, November 12, 2011, Occupy Boston passed a proposal to secure space at Encuentro Cinco for the Occupy Boston Media team and other working groups.  We have agreed to rent the space for the next four months, at a cost of $400 per month.  Encuentro Cinco is one of Boston’s prominent activist centers, and they have been lending us workstations in their collective shared workspace at no cost in the last few weeks. We are honored to have been offered space in their extremely overburdened facility.  Securing workstations and meeting space at Encuentro Cinco will allow Occupy Boston to store valuable and temperature sensitive equipment, and will permit groups and individuals to do work that is most productively and securely done offsite.  Occupy Boston looks forward to contributing  to the Encuentro Cinco community.

Click here to read the full proposal as passed by General Assembly.