Day 2 at Dewey Square

Dewey Square’s residents woke up a little soggy this morning as a result of last night’s rain, but no worse for wear.

As the day progressed, the occupiers came together to organize the layout of their new space, planning the logistics of how the various groups’ headquarters and sleeping tents would be best arranged to make this mini-city operational.

Tents were reorganized and adjusted with the food distribution center in the center, and as the Metro’s Steve Annear put it, “The ‘Occupy’ project seems to be one of those things that happens as it goes along.”

While there were concerns about electricity (which the Greenway Conservancy generously helped out with), it was a generally smooth and surprisingly well-organized process, and the infrastructure was about 95% complete by the lead up to the night’s General Assembly.

Message and the list of demands for the protest (mostly revolving around the themes of ending corporate personhood, government accountability and related topics) were the theme of the second half of the General Assembly. Although it was interrupted by a quick downpour, which inspired a call for more ponchos, there were close to 400 people at the meeting.

Photo by Courtney Sacco