Countering the Threat of Nuclear Disaster from Pilgrim Power Plant


Come to the Dec. 8 organizing meeting to address the real dangers of the Pilgrim Nuclear Power Plant in Plymouth, MA


  • Boston is only 34 miles from Pilgrim, and subject to nuclear contamination in case of radioactive release at Pilgrim.
  • Pilgrim’s G.E. Mark 1 design is the same as Fukushima’s
  • Its highly radioactive spent fuel pool is not inside the reinforced containment structure, and hence is vulnerable to accident, or attack by air.
  • In case of nuclear contamination, home insurance pays NOTHING.
  • In case of nuclear evacuation, the Sagamore and Bourne bridges will immediately CLOSE, to allow Plymouth residents to escape — but trapping Cape residents, who will have no escape.

Come to hear Diane Turco of Cape Downwinders explain the real threats to the Boston area, and the successful political actions by Cape Cod organizations.

Diane was one of the Four Cape Cod Grandmothers who performed an act of civil resistance on Mothers’ Day 2014.

With the experience of the Cape Codders and the numbers of the Bostonians, we have a much better chance for a future safe from nuclear disaster and the need to abandon our homes.

Organizing Meeting:
Monday, Dec. 8, 7-9 PM
Massachusetts Peace Action
First Church in Cambridge, Hastings Room
11 Garden St., Cambridge
(Near Harvard Square)