Occupoetry on the State House Steps

Poetry reading on the State House Steps at noon on December 23, 2011
The Voices of Dewey Poetry Protest

Over sixty poets have read their works for OccuPoetry. The 12th reading will be joined by Pedro Melave, and lead by local journalist and author Susie Davidson, who began the OccuPoetry series. Davidson has had over 150 poems published in national and international poetry magazines. Melave, based in Providence, R.I. is both a poet and union activist. Fred Marchant, professor of journalism at Suffolk University, George White of Brookline, Carolyn Gregory, Anna Aufseeser, Marc Goldfinger, Blaine Hebbel, Elizabeth McKim, Aspie Chris Robbins, Nai-jeer Watson (Nuff said) and Ruby Poltorak will also be among the many poets at Occupoetry. Gary Hicks, a Boston poet who has relocated to California, has sent in a poem about the Occupy movement that will be read.  Malave arranged both a formal permit and a PA system for this Occupoetry event.

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