Needed for Saturday Morning (10/1)

Our brothers and sisters are currently weathering this storm in Dewey Square—some in tents, other in sleeping bags wrapped in plastic. Tomorrow morning they will wake up to a field of mud.

There are several things we can bring tomorrow that will make their lives easier and help the occupation continue:

  • Chairs and Tarps or Trash Bags – Tomorrow there will be no place to sit down or do work. Help people rest their legs a bit.
  • Hot Beverages – Anything to warm people up!
  • Clean Sox – Wet feet are going to be a big problem. Any dry sox, or other dry cloths, will be a big help!
  • Stakes and Rope – We’re going to need a way to dry off wet things, assuming the rain lets up.
  • Tall wooden stakes and staples – We’d like to start marking where things are (medical tent, meeting areas, etc), but we need more materials to makes signs.

If you have other ideas please, leave a comment here and we can get the materials we need to the occupation zone.